Dia Mundial Vegano

Dia Mundial Vegano

A Associação Brasileira de Veganismo novamente realizou mais um ato pelo Dia Mundial Vegano, no MASP, Avenida Paulista, em São Paulo, com distribuição de quitutes veganos e folhetos informativos para os transeuntes.

Essa data, 1º de novembro, é comemorada mundialmente desde 1994, para comemorar o cinqüentenário da The Vegan Society.

Em vários cidades ao redor do mundo veganos comemoram o orgulho vegano! Junte-se a nós nessa jornada!

Bolos doces veganos gentilmente doados pelo restaurante Loving Hut.

Loving Hut - Vila Mariana
R. França Pinto, 243, São Paulo
Telefone · (11) 5082-2267
Abre de terça a domingo


  1. Due to their cooler nature, several of} sectors like the aerospace and mining industries rely on water jets, where they use them for carving and slicing, among other capabilities. Companies also use water jet cutters for purposes requiring very intricate cuts in material, as the dearth of heat prevents any change in the material’s intrinsic properties which will outcome from metal on metal slicing. The earliest numerical management machines date to the Forties when motors had been first employed to regulate the movement of pre-existing tools. As applied sciences superior, the mechanisms had been enhanced with analog computers, and ultimately with digital computers, leading to the rise of CNC machining. In CNC machining, movement is normally directed across X and Y axes. The software, in flip, is positioned and guided through stepper or servo motors, which replicate precise movements as determined by the high precision machining G-code.


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